Haris Bahtiyarov CKD Au | Uzit Kitchens

KBDi Certified Designer
Adelaide Hills | Adelaide Metro North & Central | Adelaide Metro South & Central | SA | SA State-wide

“Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.” -Brian Reed

I offer my clients close to 25 years combined kitchen and bathroom design experience in Australia and abroad, inside-out knowledge of various design styles, from ultra modern to classic and anything in between + thorough knowledge of appliances and accessories options.

We only as good as our clients let us be, and I love accepting challenge!

Haris Bahtiyarov
CKD (Au), B.Eng

Recent Significant Achievements
KBDI Designer of the year Award Winner 2019 (National traditional kitchen design winner)
KBDI Designer of the year South Australian Award Winner 2018 and 2010 (SA designer of the year)
KBDI Designer of the year Award Winner- various categories 2019,2018,2017,2015,2013,2012,2010
KBDI Designer of the year Award Finalist 2019,2018,2017,2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010

Services Offered

  • Design Survey (on-site measure up etc)
  • Concept Design/Design Development
  • Design & Documentation
  • Manufacture and/or Construction/Installation


Specialty Areas

  • Kitchen Design
  • Bathroom Design
  • Design for People with Disabilities
  • Design for Elderly
  • Sustainable Design


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