John Spiteri CBD Au | Brindabella

KBDi Certified Designer
NSW | Sydney Inner North | Sydney North East | Sydney North West

The bathroom is the most intimate room in the home. It’s unique in that it needs to meet a wide range of needs across different users and at different times of the day. It’s one of the most challenging spaces to design and when you find a harmonious balance between function and aesthetics, you know you’ve created something special. Bathrooms, more than any other room in the home, have the ability to elicit an emotional response so it’s important bathroom design pays attention to the users and their personality. My approach to bathroom design always begins with “who” – the people who will be using the space. Then I look at “what” – what functions does the bathroom need to incorporate? Lastly, I look at “how” – how can we create a space that does exactly what it is supposed to do.

Services Offered

  • Design Survey (on-site measure up etc)
  • Concept Design/Design Development
  • Design & Documentation
  • Project Consultancy/Management
  • Manufacture and/or Construction/Installation

Speciality Areas

  • Bathroom Design

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